Thursday, November 09, 2006


It was a very odd feeling to realize that I actually have a say in what is happening in this country. It is also a rather interesting feeling to realize that my vote is not included in the the current election results. Alas for absentee voting. Regardless, I now have the right to complain about the state of this country. I voted.

While I don't claim to know the statistics, the general impression that I get is that there are a whole lot of people out there who weren't willing to vote for some reason or other. I also get the impression that a lot of those people are pretty vocal about their disapproval of the state of our country. To them I say, if you don't like the way this country is being run, do something about it. Vote. If you are not willing to do so, then don't complain. You chose this state of affairs by refusing to make a choice.

To those of you that did vote, I salute you. Whether or not I agree with how you voted is immaterial, I'm just thankful that you care about our country.

To those who serve in our armed forces, and to their families, THANK YOU! With out your courage and sacrifice, this country would probably not exist as we know it. God bless you and keep you from harm and set his angels to protect you.

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