Friday, January 04, 2008

Well, having dial-up internet is not very good for my poor blogs...*sigh*

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas, and a happy New Year. I know I did. It is so lovely to be home with my family. It is, as per usual, rather odd getting used to living as part of a family unit, and having my decisions effect other people more than simply who gets to go to lunch with me. Ah well, I guess that is part of life.

I am hoping to be able to write my torrey term paper before I get back to school. I am rewriting my paper from last semester, which was on the similarities and differences between Machiavelli's ideas in The Prince, and Thrasymachus's ideas in Plato's Republic. I am going to be exploring how Machiavelli's ideas of justice fit into the dialoge in Republic as a whole, and which character speaks for Machiavelli. That should be fun.

Well...I was gonna write more, but sleep is calling me....

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