Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave

I randomly came across some clips from general hospital and they got me thinking. The show itself looks like a typical sitcom or soap opera, and therefore probably not worth watching (not that I know much of anything about the show). It did, however, make me think. The clips that I saw were about the drama that happens when people sin. A marriage falls apart because the man is in drugs and is unfaithful. The woman turns to her best friend, who happens to be a guy, and they end up sleeping together. Not to unusual in the land of TV melodrama. What happens next is what made me start thinking though. The husband checks into rehab. The woman finds out she's pregnant, and it is her friends child, not her husband's. Now what? There are no right answers. Her husband is back, and has straightened out. They have a son from before their marriage hit the rocks. Her friend knows that it is his baby, but has agreed to what is best for the baby, whatever that is. Should she marry the father of her baby, separating her son from his father, and probably causing her husband to go back down the tubes? Should she just not tell her husband whose baby it is? Should she tell, and stay with him anyway? There is no right answer. No matter what they do, someone will be ripped apart. And no one other than the children is innocent. Everyone deserves to be ripped apart.

That is what sin does. That is why our world is what it is. When we disobey God, we rip the fabric of our lives and those we love, and it cannot ever be the same. God's mercy mends our rips and tears and creates something beautiful, but the consequences are still there. Our lives become a patchwork, and something of the original beauty is lost.

God's rules aren't about thou shalt and thou shalt not. They are about saving us from self destruction, saving us from destroying everyone we love. His mercy isn't just about fire insurance, it is about mending our lives now, healing us now, so that we can live as whole selves, not tattered shreds of who we were made to be.

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