Tuesday, February 12, 2008

*sigh* almost a month since my last post....being back at school and actually having friends is apparently really bad for my actually succeeding in posting regularly. So Romney's dropping out of the presidential campaign was rather unexpected. I am rather excited to see what continues to happen as the presidential race continues. However, I have almost no doubt that by the time the national election rolls around, I, and most Americans along with me, will be thoroughly sick of the whole campaigning thing. Alas...I really hate how early the whole campaigning thing started.

On another thought, I have been realizing how insulated I have been all my life from the racial issues swirling through our country. I mean, when racism came up, it was always in the past tense, as something that used to be a big deal, but had gotten dealt with and resolved sometime shortly after the civil rights movement. The more I listen to the news and watch the world around me, however, the clearer it becomes that racism is very very far from gone. It makes me sad, and I wish I knew how to get involved, to help change things. To me it seems so bizarre that people would place such store in the color of someone's skin. I guess I am really lucky to have grown up in a world where my skin color (white) was a minority, and yet people didn't treat me differently for it.

So just for the record, I would like to apologize for the racist attitudes seen in so many who share my ethnicity.

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