Tuesday, March 11, 2008


So, my sister tagged me with this fun thingamy....


Look up from the computer, look around the room where you're sitting and pick up the closest book. Open the book, turn to page 123, count down to the fifth sentence on that page, and then post the next three sentences.

"you will discover, as I have, that it is no less painful to withhold knowledge from your fellow scientists. When you watch them struggle with a question, knowing that you have the information that could easily reolce their delemma; when you see them come very near the truth and then for lack of information retreat form their correct conclusions and return to error--you would not be human if it didn't cause you great anguish.

"you must remind yourselves, always: It is their law, their choice"

Given that I have about six books sitting on my desk directly behind my computer, it was rather difficult to decide which book counted as being closest to my computer...so I went with the book that looked closest (there were several behind my computer screen, and therefore not visible). So this is from the eighth chapter of Speaker For the Dead by Orson Scott Card (one of my favorite books).

Oh, and I tag...um....Parmandil....and...um....well, I can't think of anyone else right now...so yeah...Parmandil it is..

Sunday, March 02, 2008

so, I just realized that I am a verbal processor. That makes things make so much more sense now. I guess it never dawned on me, because I really can just think to my self, and I can write. But if I am thinking to myself, odds are I will be talking out loud as I think. If I am writing, it is the same thought process for me as talking, with it being a sort of stream of consciousness thought process. Organized writing is so much more of a challenge for me, because I can't just spew thoughts on to paper, I actually have to make them into a coherent whole first.

I am currently writing a paper with some friends, one of whom at least is not a verbal processor. It is highly entertaining to watch how differently the three of us process our ideas, and the rhythm of how we process them. I take in, take in, take in, then spew. One of my friends seems to spew and then have to digest, and processes ideas much better on paper. I think my other friend does most of her processing internally, so I haven't really been able to work out the timing. But it takes so much effort to get us all thinking about the ideas and coming up with good new ideas at the same time. I think today was the first day that it really dawned on us how very differently we process ideas, but I think now that we know, we will be able to get the hang of it. Tonight I was having a really hard time focusing because my friend kept saying thoughts, but only fully formed ones, so there was nothing for me to latch onto and complete and get interested in. So I told him to just kinda spew thoughts, and what do ya know, it worked, and we got some of the most important parts of our paper hashed out. pretty fun, eh?

BTW, yes, this post was rather stream of consciousness, so I apologize for the the lack of coherent whole...I just felt like spewing these thoughts out onto the web....