Friday, February 23, 2007

The Slave Trade

And no, I am not talking about something that ended long ago. I am talking about something that is very real in our world today.

We just had a chapel on human trafficking. The guy who talked to us gave us information and statistics about the problem, and then played the film Fields of Mudan, a heart-wrenching tale of a girl forced into that world. A five-year-old in a brothel. In America. And this is the story of millions. This is not something that happens to a few people or that only happens in third world countries. This is something that is huge here in the US. Most people have no clue.

On the right under Make a Change is a list of links for more information. Get involved!!!

1 comment:

JMG said...

Hey, Sarah, I've always thought this is one of the saddest tragedies in the world today. Kudos to you for trying to bring attention to it. I always enjoy your posts.

Jesicah G.